What Makes A School?

7 March 

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” - Malala Yousafzai

The Purpose of School

By Cambridge's definition school is “a place where children go to be educated”. This simply means an institute that provides children with knowledge and skills to survive in today’s society. For most parents, school is where their children gain the qualifications to have a successful future after graduation. It’s necessary to study Maths and English for them to have a successful career. However, the teachers most of us remember after graduating from school are those who encouraged our individuality.

As for a young student, school is a period in your life that lays the foundation for finding yourself and your passion. It's more than just passing Maths and English. It is being able to try new things because no one is born knowing exactly what they want to be and what they feel passionate about. That scary and completely outside your comfort zone subject could be exactly what you needed.

Downside to School

Traditional schooling is just about the same amount of time as professionals working. To add that children always have to perform well in exams, join multiple clubs and sports. Children may look like they have it under control but with social pressure, you get stress and anxiety. 

In 1947, Dr Martin Luther King spoke on the purpose of education in which he said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education”. Along with the compulsory subjects, building children’s character should be important in School’s ambition.

Even though the education system is designed and assessed based on its ability on how many children passed their exams, a lot of people today argue that education should prepare children for adulthood and provide them with the skills to have the most fruitful and fulfilling life. Emphasis on fruitful and fulfilling life, meaning subjects that discuss mental health and well being are very important and should be included within the education system.

Is School still a School if it is online?

We need to question the role of the teacher, the curriculum that we offer, the process and place where we offer it. To release large amounts of equity and bring schools into the modern age, we need to change our view of schools as a place. The virtual school or the school of tomorrow may well be no school. The teacher of tomorrow may well be a virtual cognitive coach or mentor that overseas and aids rather than teaches and they will be heavily aided by new technologies that, if used correctly, will enhance and change the role of the teacher to one of a mentor. The curriculum will be designed and shaped by society and business demands and may change and adapt as both of those systems adapt and change. Online training is already with us and students can opt into courses of their choice rather than the limited diet prescribed in our antiquated system. It’s time to take a step further.

Traditions are important but that does not mean innovation should be overlooked especially in today's time. For parents, this could meet their needs because it gives them a platform to access British National Curriculum while travelling overseas. Many parents have jobs that require them to travel; a British family in Dubai or another family determined to show their children the beauty in Sri Lanka. This benefits them. For children, it offers flexibility that meets their learning needs. “Every student I have taught is scared. Not of the maths, but of being made to feel less smart”, Educator Marie. The fear of being in a full classroom and feel like you don’t belong or you’re not as smart as others. This can make it difficult for children to learn in a traditional classroom. However, online schooling takes away that pressure and immediately eliminates any other distractions that could stop children from learning.

Students who have special educational needs (SEN) will find online schooling perfectly suited for them. Many students will prefer the safety and security online schooling offers that traditional schooling fails to provide. Studying at home gives them full control of their learning environment, which potentially increases concentration.

What are we offering?

Gaia Learning is proud to have been recognised as a Cambridge International School and to be part of the world’s largest international community of schools. We will be offering a comprehensive primary school programme from this September.